Dec 3, 2008

December a month of lights

Here it is again, a month of lights and festivity, it can get lost in the merchant's materialism, true enough .. For me it starts with being the day after E's birthday then the birthday of my Sister on the 7th. Happy Birthday to you both, my best friends, my favourite people, the two that hear me whine and bitch, support & love me, oh sure there's my folks too, sweeties one and all of them. I have to go shoot { lets call my sister > Cutie okay?} okay, her crystals, (bah I've so much I want to do here) she needs to sell some of them. Times have been hard hoping I can help.. Anyway I am up too late AGIAIN, a habit I picked up from when I lived in this time zone and the one in Hampshire, habits die hard, and darn it if I don't yes I do miss you so as you wanted... Candles ©M's❤2 All rights reserved. free counters

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